Spiritual Gifts


We have this “test” (though it’s not technically a test) to determine what your spiritual gifts are. A few months ago, My new friend gave it to me and I decided to take it again. The last time I took the test was back in college. More than a decade after, my spiritual gifts are still the same plus a few more!

Based on the “points,” here are my top 6:
1. Faith and giving
2. Administration and service
3. Teaching and hospitality

I distinctly remember that administration and service have always been my gifts that’s why in college, I became a member and later on head of our admin ministry in Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), a Christian organization at the university. Even before, I thoroughly enjoyed being in the background and serving in ‘small’ ways like preparing food and stuff (which is perhaps why my life goal is to feed kids in Africa ala-Jolie). Now at church, I still chose to be part of the admin ministry even though tons of people say my personality suits the ushering ministry – sociable and easy to talk to (but really, I like working away from the limelight). But for the rest of my gifts, I think these are new additions.

For faith, this was strengthened for the past 2 years or so when I recommitted my life to God, said goodbye to past bad habits and was faced with numerous challenges. My faith in God is continually being strengthened day by day by life’s trials and the enemies’ lies.

For giving, I’ve always liked giving gifts to friends but before, tithes and offerings were a weakness. I found it hard to let go of 10++% of my measly salary! Haha! Now, I enjoy giving to church, giving back to God and supporting missionaries. I always say that God has blessed me so much so I could be a blessing to others.

For teaching, though I’ve always been part of our church’s Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) for Kids, it was strengthened during the time I taught at St. Benilde. My experience teaching college kids made me realize more that I really like and enjoy teaching. I’ll probably go back to teaching when I’m older (and wiser).

Lastly, for hospitality, I’ve always enjoyed ‘hosting’ parties at home even as a young girl. My high school barkada would always go to our house after school or we’d celebrate our holidays as a group in my sala. We’ve dubbed my house as the official barkada home. Haha! Perhaps I got it from my family who would always open up our home for family and friends. More than that though, I enjoy preparing for parties and get togethers – from preparing and serving the food, placing the plates on the table up to washing the dishes. I really don’t mind and even enjoy being behind-the-scenes. Again, my prayer always is that our home would be a blessing to other people and this is one way of doing that.

It’s great to know what one’s spiritual gifts are – both those which are your strengths and those that you are weak at. God created us uniquely and gave us each our own set of gifts. I’m glad I am able to use these gifts somehow and I am excited to continue to be used by God – whether it’s through serving at church, giving to a missionary or by simply hosting parties at home.

What are your thoughts?